projects SSFP

Celebrating International friendship in Jamestown

Our youth exchange in Accra


After one week in Cape Coast we traveled to Accra – Ghana’s buzzing capital – on Independence Day. We were welcomed in the Jamestown community, where the Accra team and hosting partner Act for Change is based.

Exciting insights into the Jamestown community by visiting the harbour, a family house, the Chief’s palace, the market and the Jamestown community centre were followed by our workshop activities. We shared our new knowledge on sustainability and the UN Sustainable Develepment Goals (SDGs) in the community and in a school by facilitating interactive elements.

For those who have been there: The Play Action in the streets of the Jamestown community will probably kept as an unforgettable experience. Kids came from everywhere when we started to play some games. There was no need to announce the event in advance.


related to

Youth Exchange 2019 in Cape Coast, Accra

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