
Hope to Cope

e.p.a. partners share insights from their communities with challenges and moments of joy and hope! Today with Jay from Petrozavodsk (Russia).


The partnership action “Hope to Cope” wants to remind us of the power of the network and the importance of local work in communities and it would like to share hope! Thank you Jay for sharing!

Jay is active in Agriculture club, Petrozavodsk (Russia)

How are you and your community?
Pandemic has changed the formats of interaction that we got used to, it has altered the reality around us and made us be even more creative than usual. We experimented with online, then tried to find the ways to finally meet offline, and now we are more aware of the preciousness of being together. I enjoy the unity and solidarity we have as a community on many questions, from health to politics in Russia.

What have you discovered during the last months?
I think the only word that fits here is resilience. I started a business enterprise right before stepping into the pandemic, and due to the lockdown I couldn’t continue with it and the projects at Agriculture club, the art-cluster that we run together with our team. But I believe there was still a silver lining out there.

What gives you hope?
People around me give me hope. People who go out in the streets, expressing their opinion and executing their freedom of gathering and freedom of speech. People who continue working no matter what, coming up with new creative ways of keeping in touch. And, of course, unity and solidarity that humankind showed at such anxious time.


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