
All Children, All Rights(s)!

Launching Workshop for an interactive educational toolkit on Children’s Rights in Hamburg, 24th February 2023!


The interactive educational toolkit “All Children, All Rights(s)!” was produced to support youth workers to make children and young people aware about their rights. The toolkit translates the widely known UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into a set of child-friendly posters and activities. The educational materials are directly linked to in-depth online training programmes for youth workers to enhance their professional knowledge on the topic.  ​

We warmly invite you to the launching workshop of the new educational toolkit. During the launch event, you’ll get the opportunity to explore the created materials in a playful and interactive way with other professionals in the field.​ You get the possibility to use materials and trainings afterwards in your organisation and become an ambassador for Children’s Rights.

Eintritt frei – No participation fee! The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Workshop dates:
Friday, 24.02.2023, 10 am – 1 pm
Haus3, Hospitalstr. 107, 22767 Hamburg-Altona

To sign up, please fill in the registration form:

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