
Is Volunteering the answer to Loneliness?

Check out our Good Practice Compendium!


As a part of the “Stop Loneliness Start Volunteering” project we compiled case studies of best practices in Volunteering Youth Engagement from 10 different European Countries. We hope reading about the wonderful programmes here below will inspire you to think about ways volunteering can help tackle Loneliness.

With this collection of information and best practices we hope to provide valuable insights into how volunteering can be a way out of isolation and loneliness for young people. By providing these examples we hope to empower civil society organisations and volunteer involving organisations to adjust their programmes to include those at risk of being lonely and to reach those already lonely.

“People don’t want to go into activities as a ‘Victim of Loneliness’. But they want to engage in activities to get rid of the loneliness.” (Timor, Community Worker – Elegast)

Check out our Good Practice Compendium:

Hier finden Sie die Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch:


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