
Alternative Olympic games

On International Youth Exchange in Bulgaria


This story was prepared by participant Anne.

The Alternative Olympic games are games which we traditionally play in every youth exchange. 

And these games that have been prepared are totally different, like draw the picture from memory or try to get like a paper plane as far as you can or just group work in teams. And the goal is to be with your team and to win others teams, but nobody wins, because everybody wins. And there was no winning team, because everybody was great eventually. 

Last year we had to build the plane and then each of the group had to throw and then throw it again like further and further. My group kind of failed from the start and the plane didn’t go at all. Just didn’t want to move on. And we stuck at the star and пропустили the whole game, even Remo tried to help us, but it didn’t work. It was failed. But it was kind of a funny moment and a funny memory. 

And also there were sometimes games where you had to do something with water. When you take something, for example a spoon, run to the water, fill the water to the spoon and then run to your cup and then another person from your team runs again to the water and back and forth and back. It was just funny, because it was water and everything was spilling and everyone was just trying to be fast, but they were scared of slipping and falling, it was kind of funny. 

It is very exciting  the whole Alternative Olympic games, because they are very connected with your group, which is not your group from your home country, its a random group with people from different countries. And it’s also nice to mix people all the time and get a connection with them through the game. 


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