Study Seminar
All different, all equal! – still relevant?
Discovering and embracing Human Rights
Budapest | Hungary
20. November 2022 – 27. November 2022
This study session will take place from 20th to 27th November 2022 at the European Youth Centre in Budapest with support of the Council of Europe. We are inviting 31 young youth workers from the e.p.a. network to reflect the societal context of Human Rights and diversity in European countries, and its role for our local youth and community work. The aim of this seminar is to empower and strengthen the commitment of young youth workers from the e.p.a. network in their communities and intercultural encounters.
We will discuss different dimensions of discrimination and xenophobia and their influence on political, social and individual levels. It will be a safe space to share different experiences and fears with discrimination, exclusion and being neglected. Along the way, we will learn from the Council of Europe campaign “All different – All equal” originally started in 1995, and explore methods for Human Rights education from the Compass manual.
And as with every e.p.a. activitiy, we will experience the potential of Play methodology! Together, we will reflect the meaning of non-formal, intercultural learning methods in the context of Human Rights Education that we can bring back to our own communities.
mainly responsible ...
This project is funded by
the Council of Europe