Rainbows of Citizenship

Youth Exchange

Rainbows of Citizenship

 Feodosia • Koktebel | Ukraine 

16. September 201329. September 2013 

This e.p.a. Youth Exchange took place in Ukraine in the region of Crimea on the Black Sea from the 16th – 29th of September 2013. It brought together 53 young people to discuss and debate under the theme “Rainbows of Citizenship” looking at how young people from disadvantaged communities can become “Active Citizens”. Sharing and learning how to contribute to the betterment of their communities whilst living in a society of political and democratic deficit and financial chaos.

Young people came from Liverpool (UK), Hamburg (Germany), Bucharest (Romania), Kurgan (Russia), Tyumen (Russia) and hosted by young people in Feodosia-Crimea (Ukraine).

The programme and methodology focused around the participants who presented their Cities and projects, and during the two weeks presented each a self designed and organised Workshop on the theme of Citizenship.

Within our theme of “Rainbows of Citizenship”, this youth exchange confronted the issues of Democracy historically, as well as in current reality. The young participants are well used to being overlooked by the democratic system and often feel excluded either from being poorly educated, having a different passport or a different colour of skin, representing a religious minority etc. In the spirit of “All different – All equal” we became aware that these same causes of discrimination can be a challenge to fight for equal opportunity, celebrated as positive attributes and a value added aspect of Democracy.


29. September 2013

A description by Daniela!

And this is how it really was!

network partners in this Youth Exchange

Chance for Life


Open World










World without Borders



This project is funded by

the European Union