Youth Exchanges

Intercultural Exchange and learning from each other.

At an international youth exchange, groups of young people from several countries meet for 1 to 3 weeks. The focus here is on getting to know each other and intercultural exchange. The programme includes workshops, exercises, debates, role plays, simulations and outdoor activities.

Conditions: You don’t need any special prior knowledge. It is enough if you are interested in the topic of the meeting and are open to new ideas. In most cases, you will also receive specific preparation from the organisation carrying out the project.

Costs and financing: Can be funded by the EU, or if you live in Germany: by the federal government, the federal states or youth organisations. You normally only have to pay a small participation fee. You can travel individually or in a group. In some cases, travel costs are included in the participation fee.

A personal experience: “I have learnt that despite the fact that some people have communication problems, it is very easy to find different ways of communicating and that we can include everyone. Teamwork is the key to opening new doors in our lives.”
Nicole from Hamburg (took part in a 2-week youth exchange with 60 young people from 7 countries in Portugal)

For more information and advice, please contact us!

Click here for Youth Exchange project examples (choose “Youth Exchange” in project types)!