FESZGYI H52 Ifjúsági Iroda és Közösségi Tér
H52 Ifjúsági Iroda és közösségi Tér is a youth center located in one of the most deprived parts of Budapest, where many of the families have disadvantaged background (especially Roma families).
The youth centre was opened in 2015 and is financed by the municipal government as a part of the social service of the district of Ferencváros.
H52 provides free-time activities, club activities, classroom activities and community building, advisory and counseling. They are also active als street workers. They also try to involve the parents of the youngsters visiting them in the forming of their programmes.
They organise events such as camps or cultural activities, which aren’t included in their yearly budget. That is why they collect funds via community fundraising, for example with charity cooking, fundraising concerts. They work closely together with the municipal youth council.
As their youth center is a member of the Eurodesk network, they provide information for the youth about Erasmus+ opportunities.