Slovenska Filantropija – Association for Promotion of Voluntary Work



Slovenska Filantropija – Association for Promotion of Voluntary Work


Slovene Philanthropy, Association for promotion of voluntary work, is a humanitarian organisation operating in public interest since 1992.

Their programmes are aimed at increasing the quality of life in the community and advocacy for the socially weak. The central activity of Slovene Philanthropy is the promotion of volunteering. They firmly believe that through volunteering we can all contribute to a better and more tolerant society, based on the respect of all people regardless of their personal or living circumstances.

The values they advocate are: respect for nature and fellow man, solidarity, tolerance, equality and equal opportunities for all. Their vision is a kind and secure society that offers a safe environment to all, even those who are for any reason unable to provide a comfortable existence for themselves and their families, through true partnership cooperation of national institutions, the economic sector and voluntary activities of citizens. They firmly believe the quality of life in their community is common responsibility, so they support initiatives that are in accordance with their values.

When working with young people, they "include" young people, who work as volunteers in their programme, young migrants and other young people with fewer opportunities. They see youth exchanges as a great opportunity to involve young people, who are volunteers and young people who are usually receiving help from others. Here, they can be equal and learn a lot from each other and from other participants.


Youth Exchange

Orfü • Gödöllö 

Hungary  2024

Networking activity

Ireland • Belgium • Denmark • Germany • Croatia • Slovenia 


Youth Exchange

Tettenborn • Hamburg 

Germany  2023

Youth Exchange

Ceuta • Málaga 

Spain  2022

Study Seminar


Hungary  2022



Germany  2022