Theatre for a Change



Theatre for a Change


Theatre for a Change has a long history in Ghana, starting life in Accra in 2003 and evolving quickly to work with a number of vulnerable and marginalised groups across the country.

The vision is to empower vulnerable and marginalised groups with the knowledge, awareness and skills to positively transform their lives, and the lives of others, at local, national and international levels.

The mission is to use uniquely active and participatory tools that promote sexual and reproductive health and gender rights.

The goal is the empowerment of the most vulnerable and marginalised women and girls.

The values are principles which we believe are central to us and our impact:

  • Social Justice – creating a more equal society
  • Service – serving the most marginalised people first
  • Participation – equal participation in everything we do
  • Honesty and openness – telling the truth and being open about our strengths and weaknesses
  • Integrity – being true to all of our values
  • Responsibility – taking responsibility for our own behaviour
  • Commitment – committing to living our values


Training, Seminar, Study Visit

Hamburg • Strasbourg • Genf • Brussels 

Europe  2012

Youth Exchange

Accra • Cape Coast 

Ghana  2010



Netherlands  2010

Training, Preparation Meeting

Bajos de Haina • Santo Domingo 

Dominican Republic  2009

Youth Exchange

Almada • Lisbon • Alcoutim 

Portugal  2009

Preparation Meeting


UK  2008