
Advanced Planning Visit in the North of Germany

Let’s look for the key of a good life all together. We might find it in our Youth Exchange in the North of Germany.


With representatives from every participating group, we met in Hamburg to plan the program of our Youth Exchange, we talked about our theme “Her mit dem schönen Leben” (something like: Let’s make a beautiful life), discussed financial and travel related issues.

We visited our accommodation facility in the East of Hamburg and got a taste of the place where we will spend the second week of our Youth Exchange.

The second day, we traveled to Flensburg (just before the Danish border) to inspect the venues and to talk to the responsible people of our accommodation for the first week of our Youth Exchange. We had a great time with all representatives of the groups and our young friends from Hamburg. We are confident to celebrate an excellent exchange in August!


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Youth Exchange 2022 in Flensburg, Hamburg