Arenati in Sicilia – Cercando Terra Libera

Study Seminar

Arenati in Sicilia – Cercando Terra Libera

Stranded in Sicily - Looking for Freed Land

 Palermo | Italy 

20. May 201526. May 2015 

e.p.a. wishes to continue the dialogue about the rights and plight of Refugees, which began in Malta 2014. We invited participants from 10 countries, all working face to face with young Refugees or being involved in movements for Refugee rights.

The Study Visit created the conditions for the participants to share their experiences, get a hands on description of the state of Refugees in Sicily with special focus on Refugee young people and children. The activity supported refugee activists and young youth workers to continue their engagement for refugee rights and use the new chances provided through international networking …
– encouraged young refugees to find their role as active, participating citizens in the society they arrive in,
– promoted “Play” as a method of intercultural understanding with an important emancipating and empowering the potential in work with young refugees. Play provided new “low-threshold” access and equality within groups.

This e.p.a. Study Visit was carried out in cooperation with our three Sicilian partners: Osservatorio Anti Discriminazioni Razziali (Anti Discrimination and Anti Racism Observatory), borderline-europe / borderline Sicilia Onlus (Human rights without borders) and Uguali e differenti … all based in Palermo.


network partners in this Study Seminar





Osservatorio Discriminazioni Razziali



This project is funded by

the Council of Europe