Abenteuerspielplatz am Brunnenhof
The adventure playground ‘Abenteuerspielplatz am Brunnenhof’ (Baui) is a community project that works with children and young people with fewer opportunities and their families. It is situated in St. Pauli, Hamburg.
Children and young people find here a place to develop self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as to discover the sense and fun in doing things together. Baui gives them space for creative activities and to develop their resilience.
By playing, they learn to take responsibility for each other and to handle conflicts in a constructive way. They learn that their own actions change and influence their environment. This teaches them responsibility and they understand that active intervention can change their own lives.
Each day, more than 80 children and young people visit the Baui Am Brunnenhof, as well as many parents. Baui works with school classes from four different schools in their community and with children, who visit them on their own. Besides the work on the playground itself, Baui is also present in the streets and places of the St. Pauli community.
Their group of young people is continuously meeting all round the year to prepare for the next youth exchange by reflecting problems in their daily lives and transforming it into a topic for a workshop, which they introduce and discuss together with the other participants.
The group is accompanied by a social worker, who has ensured their participation in youth exchanges for many years. Since 2015 they have successfully involved young refugees into their exchange group.